1) Relate what was discussed in class or the text to the screening.
Prior to the movie, the class discussed the importance of Chaplin's use of social issues to further drive the point he was attempting to make. In all of his roles Chaplin played the "Tramp" an underdog character who was generous and caring at heart. Opposite of him was the "Brutish character" the two would fight it out and in the end the "Tramp" would prevail. The same goes for "The Gold Rush" where on multiple accounts the "Tramp" is fighting off the brutish character whether its just to stay in the cabin to prevent from freezing outside or to not be roasted and eaten later on in the movie. Alongside of the Chaplin believed in a "circular structure style of film" where the movie will begin at A go to B then C have a turning point at D then go back to a scene similar to the A,B,C scenes just in backward order,"The Gold Rush" is no exception to the rule. The "Tramp" finds his way to Alaska, fights to stay in the cabin, goes to the town, then has a turning point at the dance hall, has another "in town" scene, fights off the prospector from eating him, and finally leaves Alaska in the final scene. This style of directing is peculiar, but was unique to Chaplin's style.
2) Find a related article (on the film, director, studio, actor/actress, artistic content, etc.) and summarize the content. You may use the library or the Internet.
The article, I had found on CNN.com, is partial biography on one side but partial insight to the madness know as Chaplin. Growing up poor on the streets of London, his mother sent to live in an asylum his father an alcoholic, Chaplin focused his energy into his acting and comedy routines, but a part of that poor boy from London lived on in him. It is reported that Chaplin was a bit of a perfectionist, only desiring the best from his acting troop and the movie itself. In the article they describe one such instance where Chaplin took 342 takes for a single movie scene. Think of it this way, Chaplin took 342 takes for a silent movie where the actress, Virginia Cherrill, where she mouths just two words, "flower sir?" Just to remind you, this was a silent movie, Mrs. Cherrill was in the movie for a single scene and only utters two words to Mr. Chaplin, how would Chaplin act today if he was still directing?
Cite the article or copy the url to your journal entry. Summarize in your own words the related article but do not plagiarize any content.
3) Apply the article to the film screened in class. How did the article support or change the way you thought about the film, director, content, etc.?
The article without a doubt supports the view I was originally give of Mr. Chaplin. Charlie Chaplin, as was told in class was not just an actor, but in reality was an actor, director, producer, editor, and later even composer to his own movies, this is known as the Auteur Director. The article states that Chaplin was a "one man show" but even this amount of work, the work of four maybe five men was too much for the star. His perfectionism got the best of him, but in the end we, the audience, got to see the entire image behind Chaplin's idea for "The Gold Rush" and not four different opinions on how it should be told, and for that the audience is given an amazingly quirky, but fun movie.
4) Write a critical analysis of the film, including your personal opinion, formed as a result of the screening, class discussions, text material and the article. I am less interested in whether you liked or disliked a film, (although that can be part of this) than I am in your understanding of its place in film history or the contributions of the director.
"The Gold Rush" was but another movie milestone to come out of the genius that is Charlie Chaplin, actor, director, editor, and later composer when the movie received sound in 1941. Even though "The Gold Rush" is considered to be a comedy by most the movie portrays strong human emotion. The love "The Tramp" has for his love interest in the movie almost feels real even when you consider the outrageous comedic acts that take place around it. These human emotions would feel jammed in if it were any other movie, but in this film, Charlie's raw emotions stand out and the way he is able to portray his feelings through the simple acting gestures of a silent movie. "The Gold Rush" is without a doubt, in this writer's mind, one if not the most entertaining silent films, and by far the best. One can wonder if it were to be the same if Chaplin had not been a perfectionist.
Plagiarism Statement: Attach this to the end of every journal assignment.
1) ( x ) I have not handed in this assignment for any other class.
2) (x ) If I reused any information from other papers I have written for other classes, I clearly explain that in the paper.
3) (x ) If I used any passages word for word, I put quotations around those words, or used indentation and citation within the text.
4) ( x ) I have not padded the bibliography. I have used all sources cited in the bibliography in the text of the paper.
5) ( x ) I have cited in the bibliography only the pages I personally read.
6) ( x ) I have used direct quotations only in cases where it could not be stated in another way. I cited the source within the paper and in the bibliography.
7) ( x ) I did not so over-use direct quotations that the paper lacks interpretation or originality.
8) (x ) I checked yes on steps 1-7 and therefore have been fully transparent about the research and ideas used in my paper.
Name: _____Alex Lukasiuk_________________________________ Date: _________9/23/14_________
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